What is Love?

Love is acceptance, when you love someone you take them into your heart, and that is surely why it hurts so much when we lose someone we love, because we lose part of ourselves.

A Love Quote.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."

About Love and Relationship?

You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and it's good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.

What is a Relationship?

A relationship is like a rose. How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh. To have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, cause you love and care for the one you choose".

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Nagging only makes things worse

Successful couples quickly learn that nagging makes everything worse. They discover that the best way to grow a relationship is to encourage their spouse whenever they're getting it right. Instead of endlessly moaning whenever they're getting it wrong. Better still, they realize that exactly the same technique works on their children!

But somehow we humans seem to have an instinctive urge to punish: "Spare the rod spoil the child". So parents usually focus on what their children do wrong. And rarely notice what they're doing right.

That's also what happens in most organisations. Managers pretty much take good performance for granted, while coming down hard whenever something goes wrong. In other words, despite everything psychologists have ever learned about motivation, bosses almost invariably do the opposite!

It's never as black and white as that of course, because they'll always be the freeloaders and incompetents to be weeded out. But most good people always respond best when their skills are valued and developed.

Sterile Measure
In fact, that's the best incentive scheme there is. People work far harder when organisations focus on developing their skills, rather than tying their pay to some sterile performance measure. Because wages are what's called a deficit need. Remember how you're only interested in food when you're hungry? Once you're full you just want to sleep? But you are by a boss who's a coach rather than a  "policeman". And who constantly helps you to do your best and develop your career.

Sounds straightforward, but in practice, most organisations become for too task oriented. Endless plans and performance measures, but few inspiring goals.
Measurement's necessary, of course. But a clear understanding of the strategy, vision and values of the organisation. Because then everyone knows what to do even when the plans fall apart.

Being task oriented does have it's upsides - like it gets the job done. But the best organisations balance that with an equal focus on developing their staff. Outfits like that are very exciting places to work. You're valued for your ideas, energy and abilities. And because the organization's name on your CV is a guarantee that you're the best, you feel in control of your life and career. So you're willing to tell your bosses when they're wrong, and don't fear efficiency improvements that might threaten your job. Why would you when you're more likely to get promoted than to get fired?

Your working style becomes more independent and self-determined, and yet you remain a team-player. Sharing ideas, and thoughts, tactics and good practices with each other.

So not only do families prosper when couples encourage what their partner's are doing right, rather than moaning about what's gone wrong, so do businesses, NGO's, hospitals, schools e.t.c.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Relax, let your face do the talking

You’ve met this really gorgeous hunk. The date’s going well, and you definitely want more. So how do you make sure he knows? You certainly can’t just tell him. But if he’s serious, his subconscious will be looking for your “green light” signals anyway. So make sure he sees them, and all will be well.

But as you begin to get the hots for someone, your eyes start drifting over his body as well. And the lingering looks gradually build up. To begin with, you’ll just be catching his eyes briefly, and then looking down, maybe with a hint of embarrassment. But, as the evening progresses, look into his eyes for longer. And smile. A bit shyly to begin with, but more and more openly as things warm up. All around the world, this sequence is universal signal that melts a man’s heart.

A natural, happy smile also says that you are enjoying his company. Because he’ll spot a fake - your eyes won’t seem to be lighting up. And when you’re not smiling? Let you bottom lip relax slightly so he gets just a glimpse of your teeth.

From time to time, let your gaze linger on his lips a little longer. He’ll subconsciously start thinking about kissing. And if you’re feeling good about him, your eyes will be wide open and huge. It’s the reason why dining by candlelight’s so romantic - because you pupils dilates in the dim light! But did you know you’ll also be blinking more? Try deliberately raising your blink rate slightly and see if he does the same. If he does, he’s feeling good about you too. But don’t go overboard or he’ll just think that something’s flown into your eye!

Cuddly girl

Touching your face, mouth or hair sends the subconscious signal that you’re a cuddly girl and that you would like to touch him and to be touched.

Other signals make him feel protective towards you and romantic. Like slightly tilting your head as you look at him, twiddling with your hair or biting your lower lip. And don’t pick at your food. Because guys subconsciously think that a good appetite means you’ll be just as enthusiastic in bed!
And him? How do you tell whether he’s into you too? If something good’s happening, his eyebrows will rise, his pupil dilate, his lips part and his nostrils flare slightly.

But don’t work too hard at all of this. Once you know how your face signals whether you’re keen, you can stop thinking about it and let your subconscious do everything for you. Like the good driver who no longer has to think about the details of changing the gear.
So just relax and let your face do the talking

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Change your spouse’s bad habits

It’s great being married. But maybe your husband’s also forgetful, lazy, bad tempered and stays out late. Or your wife talks far too much. A relationship can become a whole mass of irritating habits like that.

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to replace bad habits with good ones. You just reward your partner’s good behavior, and ignore everything else. Like every time she’s nearer being on time for anything, or he drives just a little slower, just say something complimentary. You’re rewarding the small steps toward a whole new set of habits.

Especially important
Not drawing attention to behavior you don’t like is especially important, because that makes it less likely to happen in future. So don’t join in anytime your spouse’s tearing around your house in a bad-tempered, last-minute search for this or that. Instead say absolutely nothing and carry on with what you’re doing.

It takes a lot of willpower, but it works. Without your attention, the tantrum will eventually die away, and be less likely to happen again. You’re also training yourself not to be bugged by his bad behavior. Train yourself not to take things personally either.

Like chances are your husband’s just being lazy when he leaves his clothes on the bathroom floor. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. So don’t confront him. Ignore the piles of dirty clothes - but compliment him if ever even one sock ends up in the laundry basket!

It’ll take a little while but, gradually, he’ll end up putting his stuff away. And you’ll start seeing his other bad habits as interesting training opportunities.

Loving your spouse also means accepting the way they like doing things. Like many wives insist their husband follows her rules. He has to take her route to the shops, buy her brands, cook just how she does. Do that and he’ll soon end up not doing any housework at all?

What comes easily?
Instead, observe your partner. Understand how he thinks, what she likes doing, what comes easily and what doesn’t. Because it’s always better playing to someone’s strengths. So if getting them to do stuff in the morning is difficult, ask some other time.

Distracting your spouse with “incompatible behaviours” is another way to stop them annoying you. Like he’s less likely to bother you while you’re cooking if you put a bowl of nuts by the TV. Putting on her favourite CD will keep her from unloading on you.

And watch for the cues that say something’s about to happen – so you can sidestep the behavior before it starts. Like if your wife spends hours in the bath, leaving you waiting ages to get in there. Spot her wandering around with her face cleanser and you can guess what’s on her mind. Make a dash for the bathroom – “just give me a minute” - and you can do your stuff and settle down to read in bed until she joins you.

Friday, 1 June 2012

The flaws that get you dumped

No matter how cool you are, you still have to meet certain standards or your girlfriends will always give up on you. Like you’ll never be long term if you’re not earning, no matter how much she seems to like you. Unless you’re both full time students, she’ll want you to have your act together before she commits. So don’t even think about serious dating if you’re still living at home and have no career prospects.

She’ll be watching how you relate to your mom too, because meddling mothers are a girlfriend’s worst nightmare. Be lovely to your mum, of course, but your girlfriend will want to see that you also have a mind of your own!

She’ll want you to look and smell good when you go out - but don’t overdo it. Rethink your priorities if you’re spending more money on your hair than she does. And no manicures, pedicures or clear nail polish! Take a good look at your whole approach. Winners need confidence and plenty of get up and go. Whining’s not cute. Neither’s being a pushover. And while it’s OK to watch the occasional chick flick together, your girl really wants brave not sensitive. So if you’re shy, insecure or needy, get to work on your problems. They can be fixed.

Ditto if you’re forever getting mad at people. Your anger must always be under control. Women like a man to defend their honor - but there’s a limit. And definitely don’t ever lash out at her. Get some professional advice, or you’ll end up making a lot of girls unhappy. Real men don’t get violent, their inner strength makes that unnecessary.